Your draft crush not getting the love that would indicate the 49ers will draft them? Just remember Mike McGlinchey.
Around this time, you hear about the 49ers having meetings. Lots and lots of meetings. Formal and informal meetings.
And these are the tee leaves where we, the fans, do what we do best: overanalyze and overreact.
It’s probably a good time to give you the public service announcement: how many meetings and what type of meeting the 49ers make aren’t things to put stock in. How do we know? In 2018, the San Francisco 49ers, holding a top-10 pick in that year’s draft, selected Mike McGlinchey.
When did the 49ers meet McGlinchey? During the NFL Combine. That’s it. The 49ers brought in 30 players for official visits that year, McGlinchey was not one of those players.
Once again, it’s that yearly reminder that basing the 49ers’ candidate pool on who they are—and aren’t—talking to might leave you disappointed. If McGlinchey is any indication, that’s not a good way to base evidence.
I think it bears repeating, this is the team that didn’t let a single nugget out that they were pursuing John Lynch as GM until the night before he was hired. Then there’s the Trey Lance pick: right up to the moment his name was called the 49ers had you thinking it would be Mac Jones. Even Lance didn’t have a clue he was the guy.
So if your draft crush isn’t getting the attention you want, remember, these meetings are not something to base stock on. The 49ers tend to surprise us in the draft.
And we, the fans, love surprises.