ESPN announced the Sunday Night Baseball schedule for the majority of the season last week. Spoiler alert: The Giants didn’t make the cut.
Good morning, baseball fans!
Well, it’s finally happened. The San Francisco Giants have fallen so far out of relevancy that they will no longer be subjected to ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball schedule.
Last week, ESPN announced the Sunday Night Baseball schedule for the majority of the season.
Naturally, the lineup is filled with top performers from last season. The reigning World Series Champion (Mays help me, I hate writing this sentence) Los Angeles Dodgers will get four games. Meanwhile, the runner-up New York Yankees will have two but the New York Mets (who didn’t actually make it to the World Series) will somehow have four as well.
Heck, even the Chicago Cubs will get two games.
Not featured, however, will be our own beloved baseball squadron.
I, for one, cannot be too upset about this. Anyone who knows me knows I have a one-woman vendetta against national broadcasts. Every time I attempt to turn on a weekend game and find it’s a national broadcast, I have to battle to keep myself from Hulk-smashing the remote.
The broadcasters feel the need to constantly talk about how the shadows are affecting play, while conveniently leaving out the fact that baseball is not meant to be played at that hour, thus ignoring the fact that it is their very presence alone that is the cause of the shadows.
Also, Sundays are almost always travel days, so essentially it’s better for everyone who would be involved to keep their normal start time.
Still, it’s another reflection on the irrelevance of the Giants to see them not manage to be included in a single game.
How many days until Opening Day?
63 days and counting!